Landing not exactly where we wanted to be and learning that there was no public transport after 6.00pm, we asked around and managed to get a ride with a drink truck that was heading to the same town as us. Now this drink truck is an open-air truck with individual compartments for crates to be stacked in. We slid into a compartment and held on as we swiftly made our way up another mountain, yet again over another very muddy path, which I was informed, was where the truck had gotten stuck earlier that morning. The wheels skimmed through the slush that lay on the ground and my heart beat faster and faster as I planned my jump if we did happen to turn over. Luckily for all of us, we didn’t and we arrived safely in La Esperanza, the highest town in Honduras. We were greeted by a big gro

La Esperanza is a small town with 3 awesome markets! And lots of beautiful mountain light, muddy streets, with a coolness that’s not found anywhere else in Honduras. It’s the most indigenous part of the country and also the poorest. Not many tourists in these parts! It’s fairly small with a population of something like 20,00 people, and has a scattering of shops and a couple of small shopping centres, which are mainly deserted and look a little out of place amongst the rural setting. The recent coup d’etat which occurred 6 months ago has left few marks on La Esperanza. The only sign are the tags that are present on the walls around town which cry out against the coup.
We spent 3 days in La Esperanza and were introduced to Baleadas (the national food of Honduras), a tortilla made out of wheat with beans, cheese, cream and sometimes egg and avocado. One of the best street foods I have tasted! Chris, our CS host took us around town while chatting about his experiences of living in Honduras for the last 2 years doing water and sanitation projects through Peace Corps. It reminded me a lot of the time I spent in Timor, living with Joel, also a Peace Corps volunteer. I reminisced about the complexities of living in a relatively small, new community and learning about the culture and the customs of the place, while juggling a new job and understanding how go about the work (not to mention learning a new language!).
We left La Esperanza on Xmas eve heading to another CS’s house (Rony) to celebrate with him and his family. Once again we were greeted with open arms, this time into a Honduranian family’s home. Rony and family live beside a gym, which is owned by his brother. They live next to their aunty who owns a hairdressing salon and behind them is their uncle. In front of their house lives another uncle and next to him Rony’s brother…and so on it goes like this! The whole family is close, not just in proximity but also emotionally. In Nicaragua (as it is custom in many other countries), the 24th is celebrated more than the 25th. That night, as more and more family members appeared, the mariachis commenced to play their Mexican tunes. Not a very Honduranian tradition, but with this family it is. Couples danced together in a small courtyard in the back of one of the uncle’s house. As the Mariachis finished, the party was moved to the aunties house where punta was being danced in the front room (also known as the hair salon by day), a traditional dance from Honduras which is a mixture of merengue, calipso and afroantillanos, danced by moving your hips sensually along with toe steps. Bodies bounced around rhythmically shaking their bom bons around or just plainly rubbing bodies as if it was reggaeton. At midnight hugs and kisses were exchanged and good wishes for the new year. We moved to the street where firecrackers were let off by the boys of the family, regressing to their childish days. All around the streets the same was being done by other families, filling the air with festivity but also sometimes jolting me a little out of my skin by the bomb sounding noise. Dinner was served at 1.30 in the morning by which time I wasn’t so hungry but on saying that we didn’t get to bed till 5.00 and the party continued without us till sunrise.
The 25th was non-existent. No lunch or dinner, everyone was too hungover and tired to do anything which made me feel as if Xmas had peeked a little too soon. We went to the hotel that Rony works at and hung out at the pool, planning our trip to Tegucigalpa for the next day.
We set off for Tegucigalpa with apprehension. Everyone had told us that it was an ugly city and that it was a dangerous place to wonder around, with many muggings, murders and violence on the streets. We caught a lift with a couple who were heading to the border and who dropped us off quite conveniently, at the entrance of the city. One lift later and with a lot of luck, we were driven all the way to the house where we were going to be staying at, organised quite kindly through a contact from my old work in Australia. We were led to another house that was newly vacated but which still held a lot of the ex-tenants belongings including some food. It was a big house of 3 bedrooms and two storeys high, located on one of the many hills of the city. Having this house for four days all to ourselves was pure heaven after being on the road for so long.
Tegucigalpa is a city located on a chain of mountains with a series of hills surrounding the city. The sunrises and sunsets from these mounts are all breathtaking (well at least I can testify to the sunsets being so!). The city has a river that winds itself through the centre (separating Tegucigalpa and its sister city Comayagüela) with bridges joining the two parts together, offering a big market on the other side. Within the city itself lie streets filled with old crumbling buildings, big pieces of chipping paint dangling off in jigsaw puzzles, large cracks decorating the walls, old signs loosing their brilliant glow that they use to wear and amongst all of this, lie a consortium of newly painted graffiti d

Our second day in Tegucigalpa encapsulated chasing around town for a resistance concert that was meant to be in the National Autonomous University but the security guards there hadn’t heard of any event being on that day. We were told that the Jesuit University is more supportive of the resistance and might be holding the event. We were quickly bundled into a car with three old blokes that had also appeared at the gate with the intention to attend the concert and who later we learnt, are part of the liberal party who were ousted by the coup government, one of them being a minister.
All gates were closed at the Jesuit University. The three men were trying to decide what to do while we borrowed one of their phones to call a journalist contact that I had obtained through work. She answered straight away and suggested that we meet up at her house that afternoon in a small town in the outskirts of Tegucigalpa.
The journalist’s house was located on top of a valley with amazing views of the mountains in a peaceful but popular tourist village called Santa Lucia. She designed her house herself and has many interesting stories about each item on display, including many paintings. She is an eccentric, passionate woman who likes to tell stories. She cooked us a light but lovely lunch of handmade tortillas, cheese, beans and salsa while she told us a little about her life as a journalist. After lunch we went for a walk in the village which was populated with day trippers, families spending a Sunday outside of the city and locals. A small lake in town attracted a lot of Sunday strollers while rustic cafes framed the main street selling pupusas and baleadas as well as ice cream. We walked through town to the quaint square and up the steps to the lookout while the journalist revealed in small bursts, information about the coup and then quickly hushing herself as she realised that there were ears and eyes all around. Further down lay a church and a café with a nice view of the village which is where we stopped to eat ice cream and listen to the journalist tell us in complete detail and confidence, about the situation in Honduras.
A summary of the main events leading up to the Coup d’etat:
• The President Manuel Zelaya made radical changes during his presidency, January 27th, 2006 to June 28th, 2009 (which is when the coup occurred) :
- Raising the minimum wage from 3400 to 5000 limpiras – many corporations were angry with this change
- Making public schools free – schools angry with this change
- Closing down the US army base and replacing it with an airport – the US and many corporations were angry with this change (they obtain money from the US)
- Referendum to convene a constituent assembly to change parts of the constitution – “Opponents called these plans a veiled attempt to unconstitutionally eliminate presidential term limits and usher in Chavez-style socialism. Zelaya and his supporters claim that he was attempting to modernize the Honduran Constitution to better serve the country, noting that any reforms would be enacted after Zelaya's term”
• June 24th 2009 - the head of the military command refused the order to pass out election materials. Zelaya fired him and later that day the defense minister and the heads of the army, navy and air force resigned
• June 28th 2009 - soldiers illegally entered the presidential palace early in the morning, arrested President Zelaya and put him on a plane to Costa Rica. Zelaya denounced these actions as a coup. Micheletti presented a false letter saying that the president resigned and took power
• Media in Honduras was immediately restricted by the military with some either forced to shut down or halted its transmission
• Protests emerged in support of the President Zelaya with unions announcing a national strike. The military resorted to violence against protesters and resistance leaders
• International opposition to the coup was wide spread with the United Nations General Assembly adopting a resolution calling for the reinstatement of Zelaya as the President of Honduras
• July 2nd 2009 – Honduran Congress passed an emergency decree that limits public gatherings allowing the military to be even more brutal against protesters. Protests continued with large numbers attending
• July 5th 2009 - The president attempted to enter Honduras with the support of several other presidents such as the Presidents of Argentina and Ecuador but was turned away by soldiers and obstacles on the runway. The plane was diverted to San Salvador. Huge protests were held at the airport in support of Zelayas return. Many people were shot at by military, arrested and tortured
• September 21st 2009 – BBC News declares that Zelaya is back in Honduras and has taken refuge in the Brazilian embassy
• September 22nd 2009 – The Micheletti coup government suspends five constitutional rights: personal liberty, freedom of expression, freedom of movement, habeas corpus and freedom of association
• Negotiations are being made by both parties which come to no avail. Zelaya refuses to recognise the November 29th elections
• The elections occur on the 29th of November with an absence of 65% of the population
• Approximately 150 activists have died so far. On the side of the coup supporters, two soldiers have died (who supposedly were killed by other soldiers) and a daughter of a journalist who was killed by a football gang. Many people have been sequestered, beaten, tortured, raped and killed.
• The media is intently biased in favour of the coup and spreads propaganda against the resistance such as that the resistance are the culprits for many killings that have occurred
• The resistance is a non-violent movement and involves protesting through marching on the streets, through graffiti on the walls, through exhibitions and through concerts and talks. There are approximately 2 million supports of the resistance
As the journalist conveyed all of this information, she became agitated and obviously upset about the situation she was explaining. Back at her house, she showed us photos of people having been injured, tortured and killed. She also showed us some of her files that she has been compiling reporting on each incident that has occurred against the population during the coup. She had 100’s and 100’s of these files which have all been sent to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
We left the house with a lot of information flowing through our heads, feeling a little overwhelmed and sending our solidarity with these people fighting for their rights.
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Hello Celine!
ReplyDeleteHow are you?
Do you remember, we met at Celas Maya, last march... Le temps s'envole, c'est fou!
I love your blog, it makes me come back so many memories about my travel in Central America :)
Is Roni the CSurfer from Comayagua? I met him too!!! We had a camping week-end out there with some CSurfers.It was really great.
I'm in Zürich, back to work, and pretty sone back to university...
Take care
Hello Majka!!!
ReplyDeleteOf course I remember you! Xela times are really nice memories, especially that it was my first experience of latin america. How's your spanish going? Are you going to travel again after you finish uni?
Roni is the CSsurfer from Comayagua! He and his family are supeeeeeeeeeer nice! Small world!
Well hope you're well and still enjoying life.
x cel